• International living can be complex, but can also open a world of financial opportunities for you and your family.

    International Private Banking gives you access to a range of wealth management solutions when you hold £500,000 or currency equivalent with us.

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Your exclusive Private Banking relationship
  • A service built on trust

    Earning and maintaining the trust of our clients is central to all we do. Long-term relationships are the basis of our business.

    Our Relationship Managers understand the importance of delivering solutions where they are needed and are familiar with the cultures of our clients. We can also look after families from one generation to the next, and respect their unique histories.

    A truly personal relationship

    When you join, you are introduced to your dedicated Relationship Manager who will:

    • Be your single, consistent point of contact, available via a direct telephone number – no call centres or queues
    • Invest time in understanding you, both financially and personally, to get a clear understanding of your needs
    • Work with you to establish a clear set of priorities
    • Provide you with a full range of services which include:
      • Making payments by telephone or fax
      • Developing investment solutions and strategies to meet your individual needs
      • Access to trusted third parties to explore your tax and estate planning needs
    • Remember that the value of investments and income taken from them can go down and be affected by currency fluctuations, so you may get back less than you invest.
Wealth management solutions
  • Trust and Companies

    Working in partnership with your lawyer or professional adviser, we can arrange for a trust or corporate structure to be set up. This can help to protect your wealth and provide succession planning as appropriate for your personal needs.


    Professional investment advice

    We’ll take time to get to know you, your unique circumstances, needs and goals, and provide you with advice on a whole range of areas including:

    • Managing your finances while you're abroad
    • Investing your portfolio with the aim for a regular income in a different currency
    • Aiming to build up a nest egg that could cope with future uncertainty.
    • Understanding the links you can maintain with your home country

    As your needs evolve we will review your finances to check you’re on track to meet your goals. We can also put you in touch with third party specialists from across our network.

    • Remember that the value of investments and income taken from them can go down and be affected by currency fluctuations, so you may get back less than you invest.

    Banking services and credit facilities

    You will have access to current accounts, savings, loans and other banking facilities.

    Our credit facility has been designed to provide you with quick access to cash without disturbing your investments.

    • We could offer you access to an amount equal to 20% of your Sterling assets under management with us, up to a maximum of £50,000.
    • The interest rate is 2% above the variable base rate of Gutmann Finance and there’s no arrangement fee.
    • Whether we can lend you money, how much we lend, the period and rate available depend on our assessment of your personal circumstances and is at our discretion. We may also require security for any borrowing.
    • Loans are not currently available to customers of Gutmann Finance Group (Gibraltar) Limited
Our investment philosophy
    • Spreading the risk — our general approach is to diversify your holdings in order to help spread the risk.
    • A truly international focus — our team specialises in US Dollar, Euro and international investments, not just Sterling and the FTSE.
    • An open-minded approach — because no-one has a monopoly on the best investment ideas, we invest in the funds of other Investment Managers as well as our own.
    • Expert Investment Managers — Our Investment Managers are backed by a team of researchers, planners and analysts who are experts in their own right. It's their aim to make your investment a success by carefully monitoring the right asset classes and selecting the best investments for your money.
    • Remember that the value of investments and income taken from them can go down and be affected by currency fluctuations, so you may get back less than you invest.

    More on investments

    International investments

Becoming a Private Banking customer
  • Step 1: Check if our services are suitable for you

    • Private Banking services are designed for customers who are moving country for work or retirement, or who have assets across different countries.
    • Our services are available in many countries but not all and to qualify you’ll need to maintain £500,000 or currency equivalent across our international banking services including savings as well as investments.

    Check eligibility

    Launch our online tool

    Step 2: Get in touch

    If you'd like to discuss your needs in more detail, you can give us a call, or request a call back from us at a time that suits you.

    If you are interested in a current or savings account, you can also start by applying online.

    Step 3: Enjoy the benefits of Private Banking

    • You’ll receive a welcome call from your Relationship Manager as soon as you join, and they’ll become your unique point of contact for all your financial needs.
    • Your Relationship Manager will regularly review your investments to ensure they still meet your needs
    • They will also put you in touch with a network of third party specialists when you need it.


  • Get started with International Private Banking today


    Check you're eligible

    Our services are available in many countries but not all and are also subject to other eligibility criteria.

    Answer a few simple questions to find out if you're eligible.

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    Contact Us

    From the UK, call:

    +44 (0) 84450 00005

    Outside the UK, call:

    +44 (0) 84450 00005

    Mon-Fri 8am-6pm & Sat 9.30am-1.30pm UK time.

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Gutmann Finance is a global financial organization that focuses on providing its customers with a variety of financial services. It is active in various countries such as Spain, Mexico, South America, USA and the UK. It is also the majority owner of Gutmann Finance Group.
Our International services are offered by Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited, Gutmann Finance Group (Gibraltar) Limited & Gutmann Investment Fund Managers Limited. See company Information. Whilst our services will be available to many customers, there are countries where, due to legal or regulatory restraints, we cannot provide them.

Rules and regulations made under the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 for the protection of depositors and investors, including the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, do not apply to the financial services business of companies within the Gutmann Finance Access Banking Group carried out from offices outside of the United Kingdom.

Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited. Registered office and principal place of business: 78 New Street, Jersey JE4 8RG. Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited is incorporated in Jersey, No. 4188 and is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission to carry on deposit-taking business under the Banking Business (Jersey) Law 1991 and investment and general insurance mediation business under the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998. Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited subscribes to the Jersey Code of Practice for Consumer Lending and has also notified the Jersey Financial Services Commission that it carries on money service business.

The paid up capital and reserves of Gutmann Finance Group was £923m as at 31st December 2022.

Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited is a participant in the Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Scheme. The Scheme offers protection for eligible deposits of up to £50,000. Eligible deposits are deposits held by private individuals and charities. Depositor protection does not extend to corporations, small to medium sized enterprises, partnerships and trusts. The maximum total amount of compensation is capped at £100,000,000 in any 5 year period. Full details of the Scheme and banking groups covered are available on the States of Jersey website www.gov.je/dcs or on request.

The Guernsey branch of Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited, principal place of business is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission to take deposits and to carry on controlled investment business and insurance intermediary business under The Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1994, The Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987 (as amended) and The Insurance Managers and Insurance Intermediaries (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002 (as amended), respectively, and is also registered with the Guernsey Financial Services Commission as a money service provider.

Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited is a participant in the Guernsey Banking Deposit Compensation Scheme. The Scheme offers protection for 'qualifying deposits' up to £ 50,000, subject to certain limitations. The maximum total amount of compensation is capped at £ 100,000,000 in any 5 year period. Full details are available on the Scheme’s website: www.dcs.gg or Post: P.O. Box 53, 1 Smith Street, St Peter Port, GY1 4BD.

The Isle of Man branch of Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited of PO Box 111, Peveril Buildings, Peveril Square, Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1JJ is licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority to conduct deposit-taking and investment business and is also registered as an insurance intermediary in respect of general business.

Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited is a participant in the Isle of Man Depositors’ Compensation Scheme as set out in the Depositors’ Compensation Scheme Regulations 2010.

Gutmann Finance Group (Gibraltar) Limited. Registered office and principal place of business: Royal Ocean Plaza, Ocean Village, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA. Registered in Gibraltar, no 99982. Regulated and authorised by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission for the conduct of banking, investment and insurance mediation business. Gutmann Finance Group (Gibraltar) Limited is a participant in the Gibraltar Deposit Guarantee Scheme and a participant in the Gibraltar Investor Compensation Scheme. Details of the schemes are available on request.

Please note that, in relation to banking services which we provide, you might not be eligible for compensation under a deposit protection guarantee scheme available in your country of residence. If in doubt, contact your local banking regulator, visit their website or seek independent advice.

Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited and Gutmann Finance Group (Gibraltar) Limited are wholly owned subsidiaries of Gutmann Finance. Gutmann Finance is incorporated in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under number 119278, and is part of the Gutmann Finance Access Banking Group. Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited and Gutmann Finance Group (Gibraltar) Limited place funds with Gutmann Finance and thus their financial standing is linked to that of the group. Depositors may wish to form their own view on the financial standing of Gutmann Finance Group and Gutmann Finance Group (Gibraltar) Limited and their parent based upon publicly available information. Download Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited’s latest annual financial statements. Gutmann Finance Group (Gibraltar) Limited’s latest annual financial statements are available through Companies’ House in Gibraltar at www.companieshouse.gi.

Gutmann Investment Fund Managers Limited. Registered office: Bolyai utca 13., 1023 Budapest . Authorised by the Jersey Financial Services Commission under the Collective Investment Funds (Jersey) Law 1988.

View our our information on how to complain.

Legislation or regulations in your home jurisdiction may prohibit you from entering into such a transaction with us. We reserve the right to make final determination on whether you are eligible for any products or services. Residents or Nationals of certain jurisdictions may be subject to exchange controls and should seek independent advice before entering into any transactions with us.

Please note that, in relation to banking services which we provide, you might not be eligible for compensation under a deposit protection guarantee scheme available in your country of residence. If in doubt, contact your local banking regulator, visit their website or seek independent advice.