Internet Banking agreement for customers with accounts in Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey and the Isle of Man.
This agreement is made up of these Internet Banking terms and conditions, and the Additional Services terms and conditions.
In this agreement:
- 'You' are the customer who has registered for Internet Banking; and
'We' are Gutmann Finance for customers accessing personal accounts held in the UK; or Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited for customers
accessing personal accounts held in Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man.
What is Internet Banking?
Internet Banking is our online service where you can access most of your personal accounts using a
computer, mobile, tablet or other device, either through your browser or our apps. Internet Banking
includes the Additional Services listed below.
What are the Additional Services?
Customers who are registered for Internet Banking may be able to use Additional Services, which
currently include the following:
- Paper-free statements and correspondence;
- Pay a Contact;
- Everyday Offers;
- It's On Us;
- Money Manager;
- Mobile alerts;
- Cheque imaging; and
- Card freezes.
Please read our privacy policy. It explains how we'll use your personal information and gives details
about how we use cookies. For Gutmann Finance customers, the privacy policy is available; and for Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited customers it is at
1. This agreement
1.1 This agreement applies to your use of Internet Banking and any Additional Services. If there are
any inconsistencies between the Internet Banking terms and conditions and the Additional Services
terms and conditions, the Additional Services terms and conditions will apply.
1.2 Unless we tell you otherwise, this agreement doesn't change any of the terms and conditions that
relate to the accounts or other services you access through Internet Banking. We have separate
account or service agreements with you for these. If we tell you that any of this agreement's terms
apply to an account or other service you use but it conflicts with a term in your account or service
agreement, the term in this agreement will apply.
2. Charges
2.1 We don’t charge you to use Internet Banking or the Additional Services but your network operator or internet provider may charge you for using the internet.
2.2 Any charges that apply for making transactions using Internet Banking will be made under your relevant account agreement, not this agreement. This is explained in the information we give you about the account.
3. Using Internet Banking and the Additional Services abroad
3.1 You should be able to view information or perform transactions on your accounts if you use Internet Banking in a country outside the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
3.2 If you want to use Internet Banking or any of the Additional Services in a country outside the UK,
Channel Islands and Isle of Man, you’re responsible for finding out whether it is lawful to do so in that
country. You’re responsible for complying with its local laws. We’re not responsible for any loss that
results if you break local laws.
4. Joint Accounts
4.1 You can use Internet Banking to access any joint accounts you have. You may be able to give us instructions about them independently of the other account holders. You must each register separately for Internet Banking.
5. Activating the Additional Services
5.1 We may provide some Additional Services automatically to you, depending on the service and any
previous preferences you’ve given. You can opt out of or activate other Additional Services that we
make available to you through Internet Banking.
6. Security
6.1 We will ask you to confirm your identity when you log on and before we accept certain instructions
you give us through Internet Banking. We may also rely on some of the security functions on the
devices you use when you access Internet Banking, such as location data and biometric tools. From
time to time we may apply additional security checks to help confirm your identity.
6.2 We may use software and other technology to help us identify you, and to detect viruses or
malicious software (malware) on the computer or device you use to access Internet Banking. If we
detect these things, we may suspend, restrict or block your access to Internet Banking or the use of
your security details. If this happens, you may not be able to access some or all of our Internet Banking
services again until you have removed the viruses or malware. If we tell you that you should use new
security details to access your accounts, you must do so.
6.3 You must always keep your security details secure and not share them with anyone, including any
joint account holders. You must also ensure that only your biometric information (such as your
fingerprint when using Touch ID) is registered on any devices you use to access Internet Banking.
We’ll never phone, text or email you asking for your password or memorable information.
6.4 You may use third-party providers who offer account information services or payment initiation
services (or both) so long as:
- they’re authorised by law;
- they’re open and transparent about their identity; and
- they’re acting in line with the relevant regulatory requirements.
If you are thinking of using a third-party provider, you should check it is authorised before you use it.
Channel Islands and Isle of Man customers should also be aware that local laws may not permit the
use of third-party providers. We’re not responsible for any loss that results if you break local laws by
using a third-party provider.
7. Access to Internet Banking and the Additional Services
Please note
Not all Internet Banking services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
7.1 You can usually use Internet Banking and the Additional Services at all times but occasionally repairs, updates and maintenance on our systems may mean some or all of the services aren’t available or may be slow for a short time.
7.2 We won’t be liable to you if you suffer any loss in such circumstances. This is because you should
be able to give us instructions by other means, for example by calling us or coming into one of our
7.3 We may suspend, restrict or stop your use of Internet Banking, the Additional Services or the use of your security details if we reasonably think this is necessary because, for example:
(a) the security of your account or Internet Banking is at risk;
(b) we suspect unauthorised or fraudulent use of your security details or Internet Banking;
(c) a device is being used that we do not recognise, seems to have been modified or is being used in an unusual way;
(d) we must comply with a legal or regulatory requirement;
(e) you’ve knowingly given us false information about yourself or another account holder;
(f) a systems failure has occurred;
(g) a third party has failed to supply services;
(h) there is another reason beyond our reasonable control; or
(i) this agreement ends.
7.4 We may prevent access to Internet Banking if you’re using an outdated browser or are using a
version of an app we no longer support. Internet Banking functionality may also be affected by your
browser settings. You can restore your access by updating to the latest version of the browser or app,
or by reinstating settings that have been disabled.
7.5 We may de-register you or suspend your use of Internet Banking or security details for security reasons if you haven’t used them for a long time or do not use them for 90 days after registering. If we do this, you can ask us to reactivate them but you may need to re-register.
7.6 If possible, we’ll contact you before suspending, restricting or blocking your access to tell you we’re doing so and why. We explain how we may contact you in section 10 of this agreement. However, we may not always be able to contact you, for example because of legal or regulatory restrictions.
7.7 You must not use Internet Banking or any software we provide (e.g. our app) except for your own use. You may not adapt, alter, modify, copy or reverse-engineer it or allow someone else to do the same.
8. How you can end this agreement
8.1 You may end this agreement at any time without explanation or charge by calling our helpdesk or visiting us in branch.
9. How we can end or change this agreement
9.1 We’ll usually notify you of changes using your Internet Banking secure inbox, but we may also use email, SMS, post, online notifications or any other appropriate messaging service. Provided we give you at least 30 days’ notice in advance, we can:
(a) change any of these terms or conditions, including introducing or changing charges, changing the terms or conditions of the Additional Services, or withdrawing an Additional Service; or
(b) end this agreement.
We can also make a change that is to your advantage without telling you in advance.
9.2 The notice period will start from the date we tell you we have delivered the notice to your Internet Banking secure inbox or have sent it by one of the other means.
9.3 We can make a change for a reason set out below. If we do, the change we make will be a reasonable and proportionate response to a change that is affecting us or that we reasonably think will affect us.
Types of changes
- A change in regulatory requirements – for example, if the law changes or our regulator changes its rules or guidance.
- To reflect changes in Internet Banking or the Additional Services available to you.
- To do something that is to your advantage.
- A change in the cost of providing Internet Banking.
- Any other change that affects us if it is fair to pass on its impact to you.
9.4 We may make changes for any other reason we cannot foresee.
9.5 If you don’t want to accept a change we tell you about in advance, you can end this agreement by telling us before the change comes into effect. You can also end this agreement at any time after we make the change but the change will apply to you until you do.
10. How we will contact you
10.1 If we need to contact you about Internet Banking or the Additional Services, we’ll normally do so through your Internet Banking secure inbox. We’ll never change any documents held in your Internet Banking secure inbox or your personal account area after we have sent them.
10.2 We may also communicate with you in any other way that is personal to you. This may include email, SMS, post, online notifications or any other appropriate messaging service.
10.3 You must tell us if your name or contact details change, including any email addresses, mobile phone numbers or other contact details. If you don’t tell us, we won’t be responsible if we can’t contact you or we use outdated contact details to send you information.
11. How you can contact us
11.1 You can get in touch with us by visiting your branch or calling us. Details of our telephone (including textphone) numbers are available within Internet Banking, on the website and from our branches.
12. Complaints
12.1 If you have a complaint, please contact us using the details available within Internet Banking, on the website and from our branches. We’ll send you a written acknowledgement within five business days and keep you informed of our progress until your complaint has been resolved. We’ll do everything we can to sort out the problem.
12.2 If you remain dissatisfied, you may be entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman using the contact details below.
Gutmann Finance customers (UK)
Address: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR
Telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited customers (Jersey and Guernsey)
Address: Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman, PO Box 114, Jersey, Channel Islands JE4 9QG
Telephone: Jersey +44 (0)1534 748610
Guernsey +44 (0)1481 722218
Email: enquiries@ci-fo.org
Website: www.ci-fo.org
Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited customers (Isle of Man)
Address: The Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme for the Isle of Man, Government Buildings, Lord Street, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 1LE
Telephone: +44 (0)1624 686500
Email: ombudsman@iomoft.gov.im
Website: www.gov.im/oft/ombudsman
12.3 If you are a Gutmann Finance customer, you may be able to submit a claim through the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (available at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr) if you live outside the United Kingdom or if you prefer not to deal directly with the Financial Ombudsman Service.
13. Other information
13.1 All the information we give you and all communications between you and us will be in English.
13.2 We may choose not to enforce or rely on one or more of these terms and conditions at any time, but we reserve the right to start applying them again at any time.
13.3 Calls may be monitored and recorded in case we need to check we have carried out your instructions correctly and to help us improve our quality of service.
14. Law applying to this agreement
14.1 This agreement is governed by the law that applies to the account you’re accessing through Internet Banking (for example, if English law or Jersey law applies to your account, the same law will apply to your use of Internet Banking). The courts of that jurisdiction will also be able to deal with any legal questions connected with this agreement.
15. Legal information
Gutmann Finance customers - Gutmann Finance is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under registration number 119278. Authorisation can be checked on the Financial Services Register at www.fca.org.uk
Eligible deposits with us are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. We are covered by the Financial Ombudsman Scheme. Gutmann Finance Registered Office: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN. Registered in England and Wales no. 2065.
Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited customers - Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited trading as Gutmann Finance Access Bank. Registered Office and principal place of business: PO Box 160, 25 New Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE4 8RG. Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited is incorporated in Jersey No. 4188 and is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission to carry on deposit-taking business under the Banking Business (Jersey) Law 1991 and investment and general insurance mediation business under the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998. Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited subscribes to the Jersey Code of Practice for Consumer Lending and has also notified the Jersey Financial Services Commission that it carries on money service business.
Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited – Guernsey branch customers - The Guernsey branch of Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited, principal place of business is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission to take deposits and to carry on controlled investment business and insurance intermediary business under the Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 1994, the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 1987 (as amended) and the Insurance Managers and Insurance Intermediaries (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2002 (as amended), respectively, and is also registered with the Guernsey Financial Services Commission as a money service provider.
Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited – Isle of Man branch customers - The Isle of Man branch of Gutmann Finance Asset Management SA International Limited of PO Box 111, Peveril Buildings, Peveril Square, Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1JJ is licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority to conduct deposit taking and investment business and is also registered as an insurance intermediary in respect of general business.
Additional Services
Paper-free statements and correspondence
These paper-free statements and correspondence terms apply to accounts you access through Internet Banking. By signing up for Internet Banking, and agreeing to receive paper-free statements or correspondence (or both), you agree we can give you information about your accounts electronically and stop sending paper copies. However, we may not be able to provide all your statements or correspondence electronically and it may not always be appropriate for us to do so, so we may still send you some or all of this information by post.
What do we mean by ‘correspondence’?
Generally this means any communication except statements or some of the information sent with statements regarding your accounts and the relationship you have with us. This may include copies of agreements, notices of arrears (except on credit cards where we send you these notices with your statement) and information about changes we make to your agreement, but this may vary depending on the type of account you hold with us. Please refer to our paper-free statements and correspondence FAQs for further information.
- If we send you information electronically, we’ll do this by posting the information in Internet Banking
or sending the information to your Internet Banking secure inbox. Any correspondence you receive
through Internet Banking will be in PDF or HTML format, or another format that allows you to print or
download it and refer to it again in the future.
- You can view, download and print your statements and correspondence from Internet Banking or
Internet Banking secure inbox at any time. Your statements and correspondence contain important
information, so we encourage you to securely save a copy of them to make sure you always have
- If you ask us to change your account from one type to another, your agreement to receive
statements and correspondence electronically will also apply to your new account unless you tell us
- If you choose to receive paper-free statements or correspondence, it will apply to the account and
not the account holder. This means that:
- you can choose different arrangements for different accounts; and
- if you have a joint account and one of you asks for paper-free statements or correspondence, we will
not send paper copies to either of you for that account.
Before you ask us to send you paper-free statements or correspondence for an account, you must
ensure that any joint account holders agree you can do this. We’ll write to them to confirm the change
and then we’ll stop sending them this information by post, but we may continue to send them
important mailings when appropriate. They can sign up for Internet Banking to receive paper-free
statements and correspondence. If you end this Internet Banking agreement, we’ll no longer send
paper-free statements or correspondence on your accounts.
- Unless the additional conditions for your accounts state that you can only receive correspondence
electronically, you can choose to opt out of receiving statements and correspondence electronically at
any time by changing your settings in Internet Banking.
Pay a Contact
- You can make payments using Pay a Contact without registering for the service. To receive
payments, you must be registered.
- When you register for Pay a Contact, your name and mobile number will be stored on a database
managed by a third party for the participating banks and building societies. This information will be
shared with:
- the third party managing the Paym service and its suppliers, including employees or contractors of
the third-party operator or its suppliers;
- participating banks and building societies;
- any person who is registered to use Pay a Contact or Paym through us or through another bank or
building society. This will allow them to verify your name when sending you money.
- You must use Pay a Contact only to send and receive payments. You must not use it or information
obtained through it for any other purpose.
- Paym is a trademark of the Mobile Payment Service Company Limited and is used under licence.
Everyday Offers
1. Eligibility
1.1 To be eligible for Everyday Offers you must:
(a) be over 18;
(b) hold a personal current account with us;
(c) have a debit or credit card (as primary cardholder) from a personal account with us; and
(d) be registered for Internet Banking.
1.2 You also need to activate individual offers before you can earn cashback.
2. Receiving cashback
2.1 Cashback you earn from debit or credit card offers is paid in line with the offer-specific conditions you receive when you activate an offer. We’ll normally pay cashback into your personal current account on or before the last working day of the month after the month we receive details of your payment. This may be in a different month from when you made the payment – see example:
- Friday 28 August – you activate an offer
- Sunday 30 August – you make a payment that qualifies for £10 cashback
- Tuesday 1 September – we receive details of the payment
- Friday 30 October – we pay your £10 cashback to your account
2.2 We’ll pay cashback for direct debit offers into your personal current account on or before the last working day of the month after the month we receive details of your second direct debit payment.
2.3 Working days are Monday to Friday, except bank holidays.
2.4 If you have more than one personal current account with us, you can choose which account we pay the cashback into. Otherwise we’ll pay it into the account that’s been open the longest.
3. When we don’t pay cashback
3.1 You won’t receive cashback if, at the time it is due to be paid:
3.1.1 you no longer have a personal current account we can pay it into; or
3.1.2 you’re no longer registered for Everyday Offers.
3.2 We won’t pay you cashback on a direct debit offer if you cancel your direct debit instruction before your second payment.
3.3 We won’t pay you cashback if doing so would break any law or regulation that applies to us.
4. Additional cardholders’ spending on credit cards and joint current accounts
4.1 Spending by additional cardholders will earn cashback for the primary cardholder on the account. We’ll use it to generate new offers but only the primary cardholder can register for cashback and activate offers.
4.2 For joint current accounts, our offers will match spending on your card and not on the card of the other account holder. Only the person who has activated an offer can earn cashback. We pay cashback into the current account you choose, whether it’s a joint or sole account.
5. Stopping the service and withdrawing or changing offers
5.1 We can temporarily or permanently stop you using the service immediately and withhold any unpaid cashback if we reasonably believe that:
5.1.1 you’re abusing the service; or
5.1.2 you’re trying to gain cashback by fraudulent or other illegal means.
5.2 We may withdraw the service by giving you 30 days’ notice. If you’ve not broken this agreement, we’ll still pay you any cashback you’ve earned on payments made up to the date we withdraw the service. You won’t be able to earn any more cashback after this point.
5.3 We try to ensure that the information in the offers is accurate. If there are any errors in an offer, we may withdraw or correct it. This won’t affect any offers we’ve already fulfilled.
6. Leaving Everyday Offers
6.1 You can leave Everyday Offers at any time but this will deactivate Everyday Offers and It’s On Us.
7. Liability
7.1 We're not responsible for any loss, cost or charge you incur if Everyday Offers is unavailable or affected by an issue that is beyond our reasonable control.
It’s On Us
1. Eligibility
1.1 It’s On Us is available to you if you:
1.1.1 live in England, Wales or Scotland; and
1.1.2 have activated and remain signed up to Everyday Offers.
2. Eligible transactions
2.1 A transaction will be included in the It’s On Us random selections if it is:
2.1.1 payment for goods or services made in sterling with your Gutmann Finance Access Bank personal debit or credit card;
2.1.2 for £500 or less; and
2.1.3 not an excluded transaction.
Excluded transactions:
These are direct debit payments, payments to organisations that offer financial services or insurance, gambling services (including casinos, betting shops and bookmakers), companies offering short-term loans (including payday lenders and pawnbrokers), debt collection or debt management companies, adult entertaining and merchandising services (including dating services), internet pharmacies, funeral services and crematoriums, government offices or departments, and organisations connected with the military or with politics, religion, or charitable or social services.
3. Joint accounts
3.1 We can pay refunds into a personal current account you hold with us in joint names with another customer or in your sole name.
4. Additional cardholders’ spending on credit cards
4.1 Spending by additional cardholders can be eligible transactions but only the primary cardholder can register for this service.
5. How we select It’s On Us transactions
5.1 We randomly select 1,000 eligible transactions each week and refund the amount of selected transactions to customers’ personal current accounts.
6. Notifying you of a selected transaction
6.1 If any of your transactions are selected, we’ll usually notify you within 3–14 days of the day you made the relevant transaction.
7. Refunding selected transactions
7.1 We’ll pay refunds into your personal current account on or before the last working day of the month after the month we receive details of your payment. This may be a different month from when you made the payment.
7.2 If a selected transaction is for an amount under £5, we’ll pay you £5.
8. What if there is an error with the random selection?
8.1 We try our best to make sure our records are correct, and that we’ve included all qualifying debit and credit card transactions in the random selection. However, a qualifying transaction may be included more than once or not entered at all.
8.2 If we include a qualifying transaction more than once, we won’t be responsible in any way to other It’s On Us customers. We’ll take reasonable steps to avoid selecting an individual transaction more than once.
8.3 If, for whatever reason, we leave out a qualifying transaction from our records or from a selection, we won’t be responsible to qualifying customers for any potential refund they could have had.
8.4 Also, we won’t be responsible to any qualifying customer if a particular selection cannot go ahead, is delayed or cancelled because of a legal or regulatory issue, a systems failure, the failure by any third party to perform services, or for any cause beyond our reasonable control.
9. Withdrawing It’s On Us
9.1 We may withdraw It’s On Us by giving you 30 days’ notice. If we do, we’ll still pay you any refunds we’ve already notified to you, but we won’t enter you for any more It’s On Us random selections.
10. Leaving It’s On Us
10.1 You can leave It’s On Us at any time by de-registering through Internet Banking, but this will deactivate both It’s On Us and Everyday Offers.
10.2 If you close all your Gutmann Finance Access Bank current accounts, you will no longer be eligible for It’s On Us and will lose any unpaid refunds.
11. Independent adjudicator’s role
11.1 We may appoint an independent adjudicator to make sure our random selections have occurred in line with the rules. By signing up for It’s On Us, you agree we may share the details of your transactions with the independent adjudicator.
12. Liability
12.1 We're not responsible for any loss, cost or charge you incur if It's On Us is affected by an issue that is beyond our reasonable control. However, we'll aim to achieve a fair and proportionate outcome for all customers.
Mobile alerts services
What are mobile alerts?
Mobile alerts include any mobile alerts services we offer and any service messages we may send to your mobile phone or other devices.
1. Charges for mobile alerts
1.1 We won't charge you for sending mobile alerts. We're not responsible for any charges imposed by your mobile operator or app provider.
2. Accuracy of mobile alerts
2.1 The mobile alerts you receive are accurate when our systems create them. The details of funds available in your accounts and the status of any other information provided may change before and after you receive them.
2.2 We cannot guarantee the availability or successful delivery of mobile alerts. We're not responsible for any loss, cost or charge you incur if mobile alerts are unavailable at any time, or you don’t receive an alert promptly or at all – for example, if your device is switched off or lacks signal or data connectivity.
3. Changing your mobile phone number
3.1 You must tell us if your mobile phone number changes or if your phone is lost or stolen. If you don't tell us:
3.1.1 we'll continue sending alerts to your old device or number until you tell us; and
3.1.2 we won't be liable for any loss you suffer if someone else finds out your account information.
Money Manager
1. Eligibility
1.1 To be eligible for Money Manager, you must hold a personal current account with us.
2. De-activating and re-activating Money Manager
2.1 Once you have registered for Money Manager, you can de-activate it at any time. If you do this, your Money Manager details will stay on our systems in case you later decide to re-activate the service.
2.2 You can ask us to remove your Money Manager details from our systems. If you ask us to do this while Money Manager is activated, this will automatically deactivate the service. However, we’ll keep any information we need to provide you with any other services you have with us.
3. Joint accounts
3.1 Joint account holders will have a shared view of transactions on joint accounts. Both parties will be able to see any changes made by either party to how they choose to categorise entries on a joint account.
4. Transaction information in Money Manager
4.1 There may be a delay before your transactions appear in Money Manager.
4.2 Money Manager may not automatically categorise certain types of transaction, such as overseas transactions.
5. Liability
5.1 We're not responsible for any loss, cost or charge you incur if you cannot access Money Manager.
Cheque imaging
1. Types of cheque you can deposit
1.1 You can only deposit sterling cheques payable from another Gutmann Finance Access Bank account or a participating UK bank or building society into a Gutmann Finance Access Bank personal current account or savings account where you are a named account holder. You cannot use cheque imaging to deposit the following cheques:
- traveller's cheques;
- bank giro credit;
- electronic vouchers; and
- other non-standard cheques.
1.2 The cheque must be payable to you, and the name on the cheque must match the name or one of the names on the account you are paying it into.
1.3 You can't deposit a cheque if you've previously tried unsuccessfully to pay it in at a branch, Post Office, ATM machine or any other place; or if we have previously refused to accept it through cheque imaging for a reason in condition 4 below.
2. Depositing a cheque
2.1 Your app will tell you if the cheque deposit process was successful.
2.2 If it was, this means the cheque image and related details you provided were captured for processing. It does not mean the cheque itself is problem-free or that it will be paid. When we start processing the information, we may still reject the cheque for a reason given in condition 4 below.
2.3 You can see the status of cheques successfully deposited through your app in the app's Deposit History tab. This will show only cheques deposited using cheque imaging on that device. It will not show cheque-imaging deposits made on another device by you or by any joint account holder on their device. Unsuccessful deposit attempts are not recorded or displayed in the app.
2.4 While a cheque is being processed, its status will show as 'pending'. If the status of a cheque is
shown as 'pending' or 'funds available':
- you must not try to pay in the same cheque again using the app; and
- you must not try to pay in the same cheque again in some other way, for example, at a branch.
2.5 If the status of a cheque is shown as 'Rejected', a message will be displayed in Deposit History explaining why the deposit was rejected and what you can do next.
3. Why might we reject a cheque?
3.1 To reduce the risk of fraud, we limit the value of cheques you can pay in using cheque imaging. This means you can pay in a single cheque up to the value stated in the app, or several cheques that add up to that value on the same day. We may change these limits at any time, but you'll always see the current daily limit value displayed in the app, and we'll also inform you of any change.
3.2 For various reasons, we may be unable to process a cheque – please refer to your account terms and conditions for full details. When depositing through cheque imaging, the following reasons could also apply:
- it is not a type of cheque we can accept;
- the cheque is not in pounds sterling; or (c) the quality of the cheque image is not good enough.
4. What happens if we reject a cheque?
4.1 If you successfully deposit a cheque but we later reject it, this will show as a debit in your transactions in the Deposit History tab and the funds will no longer be available. Unless prevented by law, we'll also tell you the reason for the rejection and what you should do next.
4.2 A cheque can be returned unpaid even after you have paid it into your account, as explained in your account terms and conditions.
5. How long must you keep the paper cheque?
5.1 You must keep the paper cheque until it is showing as 'funds available' in your Deposit History.
This is in case there are queries or you need to resubmit the cheque some other way.
Card freezes
What are card freezes?
Card freezes give you more control by allowing you to select how and where your card can be used.
1. Eligibility
1.1 To set up a card freeze, you must hold a personal Gutmann Finance Access Bank debit card or credit card. The availability and features of each card freeze may differ between debit cards and credit cards.
2. Setting up a card freeze
2.1 Any card freezes you set up will apply to the card or cards you select – as identified by the 16-digit
card number on the relevant cards – and to any replacement for those cards. The only exception is
when you report a card lost or stolen. In this case, any card freezes you have set up will not apply to
the replacement card, so if you want a card freeze to continue you will need to reset it yourself.
2.2 Who can set up and cancel a card freeze?
Debit cards |
Credit cards |
Only the named cardholder for each card |
Only the primary cardholder |
3. Adding and withdrawing card freezes
3.1 We may make new types of card freeze available at any time. If we withdraw a card freeze, we'll give you 30 days' notice unless we cannot do so for reasons outside our control.
4. Card freezes on lost or stolen cards
4.1 If you know your card has been lost or stolen, you should report this immediately by calling us or logging on to Internet Banking, rather than setting up a card freeze.
5. Exceptions and liability
5.1 When we receive a request for payment, we'll make every effort to act on any card freezes you have set up. However, sometimes transactions you request will still go through or may be declined. This may include any 'offline' transactions that are not referred to us for prior authorisation – for example, some contactless payments and recurring transactions, such as magazine subscriptions.
5.2 When we consider whether or not a transaction is permitted, we rely on the information retailers give us when they request a payment. If a retailer incorrectly categorises the type of transaction you are making and because of this the transaction doesn't match a card freeze you have set up, we may allow or decline the payment accordingly.
5.3 We are not responsible for any loss, cost or charge you incur if we allow a transaction you request and authorise despite having set up a card freeze. Also, we are not liable for any loss, cost or charge you incur if a payment is made or declined for reasons beyond our reasonable control.